Why Vinyl will always beat CD
Why Vinyl will always beat CD There has been this battle for quite a while now. And there are always different answers from multiple point of views. And that is the thing. You can be sure on one thing, analogue music (vinyl), sound different from digital (cd). And if one thing is different from the other,...
fixing small holes in vinyl
Fixing small holes in vinyl
Some time ago, I have exchanged some of my vinyl with a friend of mine. He has a pretty cool collection, so much music that is not in mine. He gave me 3 albums and I did the same. My picks were Aveged Sevenfold’s City of Evil, Sercet Chiefs 3’s Book Of Horizons, and The Dillinger Escape Plan’s...
Metallica - 72 Seasons... Let's Talk
72 Seasons, is the new album by Metallica... Let´s talk!
I wanted to wait a few days for my mind to rest and to be sober with all the hype and make this video. Metallica is my personal favorite band, and whatever they come out with and deliver, I will consume, so I wanted to speak with the most neutral point of view I could. I have listened to 72 Seasons about...
Tool - Fear Inoculum Deluxe Box Vinyl Review
Tool - Fear Inoculum Deluxe Box Vinyl Review
This would be a review that is more focused on the packaging and how the album sound, rather than a review of the music itself. You already know from a video uploaded some time ago that I am a fan of this album. But now, with this new format release, I thought of making a video for those people that...
my favorite 5 albums of 2021
My Top 5 albums of 2021
It is that time of the year. People are buying their presents, arranging new years eves parties… but all I can think about it is… damn! 2021 was a good year for music. I mean, we were delivered some very good albums in these 365 days. It was difficult to come with just 5 this time. I will...
my top 5 vinyl
The top 5 vinyl of my collection
I thought to try something different with this video. I was off from uploading new videos where I shared my opinion about a piece of music. I´ve been investing a lot of time in JammingWave as well but for the “Animated” videos. Why not share my top 5 vinyl albums of my personal collection?...
Quick and cheap fix if you want more a more comfortable experience with your Shure SRH1540
It’s been more than two years since I have my Shure SRH1540. The sound of them never disappointed me. The comfort, on the other hand, never satisfied me completely. The very first day I bought them they were not so comfy… but it was like wearing a new pair of shoes, someway you knew they...
Things about S&M2 you might have missed (Humor)
Things about S&M2 you might have missed
  20 years later, Metallica reunites once again with The San Francisco Symphony for blending their music. Which IMO sounds pretty good. It makes me wonder why there are not so many new bands that makes this kind of thing. It would be interesting to see guitars, cello, keyboards, and violin on stage...
Why technology rises and audio quality decreases
  A father of a friend of mine asked me once why music was so much better in the 70s and the 80s? I keep asking the same question inside my head from time to time. The answer changes but in the same direction. Hear what I’m about to say: music quality has decreased because the technology has...
Vinyl vs. CD... Fight!
  This is not the first time we’ll talk about the best source of listening to music… CD or Vinyl? You’ll find a lot of people telling you a real reason why they prefer such format rather than the other. Right now we’re going to keep the score for concluding what is the best...
Will Avenged Sevenfold carry on without The Rev?
It’s been a long time since Jimmy “The Rev” has passed, more than a decade now. He died just in the middle of recording A7X fifth album, Nightmare. Jimmy contributed to a lot of Avenged songs in the predecessor of Nightmare, the self-titled white album.   The eponymous album came...
David Bowie's Blackstar: Why it was such a good album
If I think about David Bowie’s career, I would say that one adjective that can define it partially is: changeable. David was, from his very early years, an artist that was always experimenting, teasing new sounds and styles. And not just in music, Bowie’s artistic side would expand in acting....
Tool's top 10 transitions: Toolgasms
  The moment I like a song the most is when there is a change of rhythm, a change of intensity. Tool is one of the best bands to achieve this because they not only have these changes but they also create the atmosphere, they kinda prepare the listener for it. And I said kinda because they use odd...
Should You Use Earplugs In Concerts?
Should you use earplugs in concerts? People tend to discriminate the use of earplugs simple because you don’t look cool wearing them on a concert. I did that. What we don’t realize is that this little plugs might be our best friends in live shows.   I did a bit of research and found out that high-frequency...
Music genres. Do they really exist?
  I would like to talk about this for a long time. To me people that talks about music genres, almost all of them don’t know what they are talking about. Let me ask you something: What is metal music? You might hear on the streets that metal is a powerful music genre, with fat riffs, distortion...
Were The Beatles The Best Band Ever?
Were The Beatles the best band ever? That must be one of the most popular questions in the music world. The Beatles were an absolutely fantastic, enjoyable, amazing, and most of everything else, a revolutionary band. I mean that without a single doubt, they change the way albums were recorded, presented...